Miles Merrill

Portrait of Miles Merrill

Miles Merrill is a writer, performer, facilitator and event coordinator who combines poetry with theatre, experimental audio, hip-hop beats, stand-up and, occasionally, political confrontation. Miles introduced poetry slam to Australia, hosted an ABC TV special on poetry slams and performed solo at Sydney Opera House. He is founder of the Australian Poetry Slam (APS), an international performing writers' program, which sees about 1000 writers performing in events across the Asia-Pacific every year. APS culminates annually in October with Story Week: a national celebration of stories. Miles is also Creative Director/CEO of the charity Word Travels. Word Travels inspires, trains, hires and empowers thousands of people from diverse communities to share their stories and poems with audiences around the world. Internationally, he has performed in Krakow's Audio Art Festival, and writers' festivals in Bali, Beijing, Vancouver, Singapore and Calgary. Originally from Chicago (birthplace of slams) and now based in the Blue Mountains.

Miles is the co-author of Slam Your Poetry - Write a Revolution.



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