Jen Craig

Jen Craig lives on Gundungurra and Dharug lands in the Blue Mountains of NSW. She is the author of three novels, including Since the Accident and Panthers and the Museum of Fire, which was was longlisted for the Stella Prize in 2016. Jen's body of work features many pieces of short fiction and essays that have been published in Australia, North America and Spain, and the opera libretto A Dictionary of Maladies, for Swiss composer Michael Schneider, presented at Lenzburg Music Festival in 2005. Jen holds a doctorate on transgenerational trauma, writing, anorexia, and the gothic from Western Sydney University.

Jen’s most recent novel, Wall, has been listed both for the 2024 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards and the 2024 Miles Franklin Award.


Jen will be appearing at the following events:

JEN CRAIG in conversation with Shaun Prescott


Nadine J. Cohen


Dr. Dimitri Douchin