Nick Solo

Portrait of Nick Solo

Nick Solo is an artist, poet and songwriter best known for his work as the frontman of Hip Hop outfit Horrorshow. Over the course of the last 15 years, he has released seven studio albums via legendary Sydney-based label Elefant Traks, sold out countless tours and collaborated with some of the biggest names in Australian music.

Through this work, Nick has developed a reputation as one of the country's premier lyricists whose words are regularly seen tattooed on the skin of the loyal supporters that make up his fanbase. In addition to his musical output, Nick is an experienced poetry and writing workshop facilitator who has worked extensively in schools, youth centres, juvenile justice and adult prisons around the country. In 2023, he relocated from his birthplace of inner-west Sydney to Katoomba where he is continuing his journey of art making, storytelling and community building.


This author will be appearing at the following events:


Dr Rebecca Huntley


Cheryl Leavy